Nos activities

We offer immersive, intimate, and personalized visits as if you were among friends

une eglise

Guided tour

Discover all the must-see places AND the hidden treasures of the Basque Country

des verres


Meet local life actors who will share all their secrets with you.

un piment


Enjoy all the richness of regional specialties. Guaranteed gluttony !

des livres

Travel diary

Keep the memory of your experience and enjoy our favorite addresses in the region


Walk & talk

Enrich your French vocabulary through fun activities.


Private lessons

Extend the experience with a one-on-one with a certified French teacher !

Nos prestations

Discover the Basque Country through our immersive and cultural experiences.

Bayonne entre gourmets

Gourmet Tour

80 €
Apéro coucher de soleil

Sunset between friends

35 €
Journée entre Bayonnais

Bayonne between us

150 €
Biarritz entre artistes

Arty Biarritz

70 €
Bayonne entre amis

Bayonne with friends

45 €
Historic Bayonne Tour - Clé privée

Historic Bayonne Tour - Clé privée

50 €

A request?

Ask us your questions.

Carte pays basque